DATA 442: Office Hours
This course has three different options for office hours, including a weekly public Q&A and two sign-up-only opportunities.
Technical Assistance with Assignments, Questions on RegradesIf you are stuck on a lab assignment, you have the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one support to help debug your code. Note that it is not the job of your instructor to write your code for you! Rather, we will take some time to sit down with you and try to help point you in the right direction. This is also the place to ask questions about any regrading.
Theory & Conceptual Questions
Every week, we will hold a public Q&A for the entire course over Google Meet; anyone can join and ask questions of the instructor. This semester, the public Q&A will be held starting at 8AM on Tuesdays; each Q&A will run until there are no additional questions or 9:35AM, whichever comes first. These sessions will be recorded and made available on Piazza. No signup is necessary to participate; the URL is
Administrative Questions
If you have a personal issue that needs to be discussed one-on-one, you can schedule a meeting time directly.